Who Remembers The Little Golden Book; The Poky Little Puppy?

A Lesson About What's Fair...

from a Classic Little Golden Book.

This classic Little Golden picture book, "The Poky Little  Puppy," by J. S. Lowrey has been added to the list of books read for FREE on the Youtube channel Tumpsky and Mrs Small.  Check it out HERE!


    The Poky Puppy is always lagging behind his brothers and sisters. The five pups love romping up to the top of the green grassy hill and counting themselves, "1, 2, 3, 4... but where is that Poky Little Puppy number 5?" Poky Puppy has too much curiosity and it has got the best of him as he smells this and that and discovers his keen senses. He welcomes the other little puppy's to see what he's witnessing. "I smell something!"    

    When they all smell dinner/dessert being prepared by mom, they can't wait to get back home. They dig under the fence (a big No-No!) and Mom punishes them by sending them to bed without dessert. But the Pokey Little Puppy is so slow he still hasn't made it home and doesn't even get noticed by Mom when he strolls in late. He decides to eat all the dessert himself without a  care in the world or a scolding. 

    This is a story in opposition to the "Early Bird Gets the Worm," as Pokey who is a laggard, makes out better than the other brothers and sisters four times in a row before Mom sees what he's been getting away with. But Pokey is innocent in the scenario, he's oblivious to what is happening and doesn't have a mean bone in his body. There is no teasing going on. He loves his brothers and sisters. He's so curious about what is out there in the "wide, wide, world" he has a huge need to explore and being tardy for food? it's not a priority, but the irony is he keeps eating too much, which in turn makes him fatter and slower still. 
    He makes out like a bandit except for the last day when he's caught "digging a hole under the fence," the same hole his brothers and sisters had just finished filling in. He goes to be with no supper or dessert.
As a child,  I even thought they needed to shorten the story up a bit, but it's still adorable and a wonderful little story.


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