Showing posts with label Coloring Pages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coloring Pages. Show all posts

Spiders! Arachnid Science!

G. Gibson Picture Book w/Extra Cartoon Fun!

Sign Up for Free Color Page of Miss Muffet!?!

    I think this book is great for kids age 4-8. It's tame for those who get the hebbie-geebies from spiders. I wanted to introduce this book even if it's been out for awhile because it's good science. Since it's October 1st and 30 days until Halloween, I thought it would be well aligned with this months festivities.


Mr. Spider at Your Service ready to give you a Boo!

     This is the little character that I've incorporated into the storyline for more fun and excitement for the little ones. Gail Gibson is very well known as a children's book writer. I have many of her books read aloud and she has many. I believe she's been writing for a long time for kids.

    Here is an extra spider story attached to the video, and yes Mrs. Small sings it for you, so you need to watch and listen for yourself on the video above.

   " Little Miss Muffet,

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey,

When along came a Spider,

And sat down beside her,

And scared Little Miss Muffet away..."

What Do You See? -:- One We All Know & Love! Includes Coloring🏳️‍🌈 Pages!

"Brown Bear, Brown Bear

What Do You See?" 

Free 🏳️‍🌈Coloring Pages! Below

By Martin, Jr.
Pictures by Eric Carle

Simplicity and Basic Shapes all come together to delight our children in this special picture book by Martin Jr, and Eric Carle. This is the 1983 printing published by Henry Holt and Company, Inc. The first printing was in 1967.

Color Pages Below

"The imperfect, child-like art is so perfect, it feels like some wise genius child artist (Eric Carle) let out his relatable inner-child for the rest of us to adore."  ISBN: 0-8050-0201-4

    There are several printed versions of this picture book story, all slightly different images from the original 1967 book. I would have been a seven-year-old but I don't remember this book when I was a child growing up. I do however remember buying this for my children, way before I was considering having them. That is how much we think ahead, us mothers who know when something is a winner.

    The book has some really wonderful reviews and is classified as age-appropriate for the 6 month - 2 year age group. The simplicity of its title, the childlike art, the chanting ability add to its popularity. The vibrant colors grab the interest of toddlers. The sing-song rhythm and the use of repeated words build a musical texture easy to comprehend. The page-turning curiosity as to what the next animal will see creates a desire to know what these animals are up to. 
    What is not to love, especially when it also includes a 'Mommy' image subconsciously giving approval of the pages presented. The book is a winner as it brings together images of children of many ethnicities. The last page joins everyone into a universal recap of the whole book and what the animals see. It is a positive, rhythmic, and enjoyable effort, a brilliant work of art. I know in 2020 there are a number of repeat ideas of this same book, but something about the original product holds fast.