Showing posts with label Kids Picture Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids Picture Books. Show all posts

Mathematics - Addition Strategies Level 2

 100th Shopper Wins Prizes!


    An animated, page-turning, fun Read Aloud for 1st Grader's and 2nd Grader's. The author embraces different Math Adding Strategies for kids so as to make numbers easier to add; for example, how would you total up 5+5+5+6 in your head? Count by fives and then add the 1. Right? 5+5+5+5+1= 21.

    I also chose to animate this book as a Youtube picturebook read-aloud for extra fun. The words underlining's sparkle as the sentences are read..  

    I think the kids will enjoy this along with other math books on the Tumpsky and Mrs Small Youtube channel or @TumpskyandMrsSmall.  The animation was created on Apple Keynote. 

#Math #children's #book #readaloud #animated #Youtube #100th #picturebook #videostory


Chester's Way -:- Books Read to Kids Aloud - Kevin Henkes

Great Class Curriculum! 

Celebrating Personality Differences

This will take you to my Youtube Channel 


    Chester Mouse does things a certain way, he likes the way he does them. His friend Wilson does things with Chester as if they were two peas in a pod, or two birds of a feather, you know, compadres. They are as if one. Then a new mouse, Lily, comes to the neighborhood and she does things very wild and different. She creates her own fun and does things differently in a very entertaining, unusual way.  She seems peculiar even strange to Chester and Wilson as they observe her, but do not befriend her. Things change drastically when Bully's pick on Chester and Wilson when they've done nothing wrong. Lily steps into the scene and scares the boys off with her brave tactics. The three become good friends after all. But wait! There is a surprise ending! No you'll have to read the book or follow along with Mrs Small Read Aloud video.

Kevin Henkes (pronounced Hen 🐓Keys🗝s) is a prolific children's book writer. He has done several YA books as well as Picture-books for kids. See as follow;

    As you can see his contributions are prolific!  #KevinHenkes

Natural Science - Takin' a Bug Adventure Part 1, 2 & 3! Insect, Spiders, Bee's!

 Kids Love to Explore 

Let the Creepy, Crawly, Buzzy's Begin!

    There are many bug books out there so it was difficult to pick one that gave an overview as well as some good details to use in retrospect toward educating kids. I tried to keep the parts short and even added some extra footage for better understanding. Part 1 Insect Overview,   Part 2 Spiders, Part 3 Bee's. Enjoy! #Insects #Spiders #Bee #Science #Nature

    Please Feel the Need to Share to Whom You Think Might Benefit! Thank You!

Part 1 Insect Characteristics

Part 2 Spiders

Part 3 Bee's

Little Bear Goes Camping!

 Plus, McD's Goat's Got to Eat Better!

The author knows kids at this particular age want to do things on their own and/or with close friends, and having ones own private tent space, alone or with pals, does the trick. It's a special place.

  1) The Little Bear story creates a desire for kids to want to go camping in their own backyard! The book is for Beginning Reader's and uses simple sentence structure. This would be a fun book for kids to read aloud, while camping themselves like the animals in the story.

    2) The Goat story has a silly nature, and a message that speaks loud and clear in getting kids, (pun intended) to eat better. I noticed it took 4 adults to pull it together, probably because McDonalds has enough money making for larger collaborations. The illustrations are terrifically wonky, which kids enjoy. Love the corner bite out of the book effect for book design, it says "Goat's been here! 

Please comment; as just looking at this bear yawning, is affecting me right now!  Zzzzz

Valentines Book Reading in June, Because Love is Important Every Month!

  I Know I Can't Get Enough!

@I need it all year long, not just in the month of February! but June, July, August,... Also!

Gail Gibbons Valentine's Expression

     Gail does a nice job of explaining Valentine's Day in a sensible, child-intentional way. Her title, "Valentine's Day Is..." leads you into the numerous elements that make up the celebrated day of February 14th, congruent with today and in yesteryears. 

     As a child, I always enjoyed this day at school because of the recognition from other classmates, the participation in making cards for others, and the yummy goodies and treats we all got to eat. To be recognized by your classmate is just one of the many benefits social calendar events have, not to mention the uplifting, ego boosting, "you like me?!" factor. Most of us young girls knew which boy we wanted to marry in our class, well at least I did anyway. There was nothing to be ashamed of. I had eyes for Mark P. Wow was I in love, until the following year anyway, then I was in love with Andy B.  Looking back it's amazing just how early we recognized our sweethearts and just how adaptable are little hearts were, leaping with joy encountering our small crushes.

Happy Valentine's Day in June

Math and Numbers Attack Classroom Students!

What? No Way!

A class is learning their times table and the teacher is calling on individual students to give the correct answer. A young girl is given the question, "what is 7 x 10?" and is so flustered the numbers explode from her person/brain and start flying all over the room chasing other kids down the hall etc. Every time the young girl tells someone else what happened, ie; the nurse, the principle, the police officer, numbers start to rumble and invade the immediate environment. The creative story is rather brilliant. I for one can relate as I was not a numbers person as a youth, being very self-conscious among friends and classmates. I could easily be flustered as my mind went blank. In this stories case, the opposite happened and the numbers went wild. Three hooray's for the illustrations! Very unique.


Spiders! Arachnid Science!

G. Gibson Picture Book w/Extra Cartoon Fun!

Sign Up for Free Color Page of Miss Muffet!?!

    I think this book is great for kids age 4-8. It's tame for those who get the hebbie-geebies from spiders. I wanted to introduce this book even if it's been out for awhile because it's good science. Since it's October 1st and 30 days until Halloween, I thought it would be well aligned with this months festivities.


Mr. Spider at Your Service ready to give you a Boo!

     This is the little character that I've incorporated into the storyline for more fun and excitement for the little ones. Gail Gibson is very well known as a children's book writer. I have many of her books read aloud and she has many. I believe she's been writing for a long time for kids.

    Here is an extra spider story attached to the video, and yes Mrs. Small sings it for you, so you need to watch and listen for yourself on the video above.

   " Little Miss Muffet,

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey,

When along came a Spider,

And sat down beside her,

And scared Little Miss Muffet away..."

Someone Had to Invent the First Doable Crayon!

 Can You Name That Company?

Only 8 Colors in the Beginning

    "Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, and Black were the first of the starting colors. Initially some children got to name some of the colors. After a long time passing, the "Wild" and "FUN" names for each color seemed endless.

    This lovely children picture book,  called "The Crayon Man," was written by Natascha Biebow, and illustrated by Steven Salerno in 2019. 

    It's about the time period in 1903 when children had nothing to color with. Most children used a type of clay chalk on a slate board, or had clunky colors that didn't work so well. Not until Edwin Binney listened to his wife and her complaining that something needed to be done about it. He got on it right away, and didn't give up until he had the perfect eight colors of crayon any child could hold within their little hands. They were made with wax and ground up, non-toxic pigments from the earth.

    Edwin and his cousin Harold Smith,  worked and worked, never giving up with his team who were just as eager to find a solution to making the perfect colored sticks. After much trial and error they finally had come up with the perfect, wax crayon, using a touch of clay for strength.

    Eight colors were boxed up and presented special at the St. Louis State Fair. People could purchase their own small box for the first time. The "Crayola Crayon Company" was a success and they won a Gold Medal for all their concerted efforts and fine products. They made children happy everywhere in the world they had become available! 

    Currently there are 120 different colors all with their own individual special names. Over time there have been up to 400 different names, but right now, they are using 120!

Click to watch the Read Aloud!

Water Dance, It Really Does Dance!

In All It's Magnificent Forms!

A Youthful Account and Approach to the Mysteries of Water

Water Dance, by Thomas Locker, Read Aloud by Mrs Small

    I was very moved by this book. I think you will be too. It takes us on a journey, one that we may take initially for granted, but as it sinks in like water does, it helps you realize how precious water is in all it's form and glory. From rivers, to lakes, in waterfalls, and rainbows this wonderful element saves you and me again and again and again. A simple beauty; the delicate shower, the raging storm, its forms are many, its elegance and life restoration speaks loud in this picture book. It will have you mesmerized and feeling grateful and blessed.

    The title of the book, "Water Dance," intrigued me. The pages that followed then had me absorbed. I couldn't stop reading. Such a simple concept put into prose that makes you stop and realize just how many forms one see's water in. The timing of the words so well thought out and perfectly placed. Will kids enjoy this? Will it hold their attention? I say yes! And when you read it reflecting the majesty of the words, your interaction and reaction will be placed upon the child in such a way that it will take them to the place where you are, and hold their attention. 

The First Day of April is April Fools Day - Oh Yes!

Farm Filled Fun! Kids 'R Tricksters!

The Animals 'as R' into it

    A catastrophe is happening on the farm according to Grandson and Granddaughter, but Grandpa won't check out the animals and the PROBLEMS presently going on because he knows it's April fools Day and thinks he's being tricked, he doesn't want to be the fool. See what happens! It's very funny. No I'm not telling you the outcome. Lol

    I love the rhythm text format in this book, it works very well. The author and illustrator combine their talents divinely. The drawing is very cartoony and light, nothing spectacular but has a cuteness to it that your little ones will enjoy.

    I remember as a child eating bacon for breakfast, eggs, the works, not anymore, it is oatmeal for me everyday. I won't eat the fake bacon or the non-cholesterol imitation eggs, yuck. I just miss that bacon, bacon, bacon, this book will help you want some GOOD breakfast. Not good for you breakfast, but yummy tasting, those were the days. Enjoy your breakfast little kiddo's it is one of those memories you will cherish!

Native American Poetic Science For the Youth

A Book that's Spiritually Uplifting ...

Metaphors Using Earthly Attributes

    Everyone's Voice Matters!

Read Aloud

       I'm glad to see a picture-book version of what happens in the news. This book explains in a light and metaphoric way the oil pipeline protests in '2020 on Native Lands. Teachers, moms, dads, can explain further, if need be, in their own words what the book represents if wanting to dig a little deeper into your Childs understanding. 

    I've noticed more and more children's book topics are presenting current events of what's going on in the world today and I think this particular book can be a beneficial tool when teaching the subject of Freedom of Speech and how a persons voice matters. Children are to know that people have the right to express themselves in a respectful, peaceful and lawful way.

    Note to Teachers: Look for safe activism news about the pipelines for children so they get a broader understanding. Here's a link pertaining to youth activism.

RUMPELSTILTSKIN -:- Books Read to Kids Aloud-:- Caldecott Honor

Weren't Women Valued in Medieval Times?

Controversial Yet Good To Know History

    I think it is important to show kids the classics, as long as you have the discussion concerning a woman's places back then. I'm sure there are many people not too thrilled about this story, unless it's to point out the history of hierarchy during these times.

     I have a hard time with the father initially. To think that a father would brag about his daughter having a skill she clearly did not have, and to blatantly lie to a King, putting both his and her life in jeopardy. Did he even care about his daughters life, let alone his own. Dad must have been clearly off his head, and without a clue what the King was capable of. The King clearly tells her after showing her the straw, "if you value your life," you will have this spun to gold before morning. She didn't even have a say so in the matter. I would have told the King, my father is a drunken peasant with no scruples let alone brains. Lol It clearly shows a lack of women's rights during this era.

    I love the scene where the daughter outwits the wizard or imp of magic by having the nursemaid spy on him. It shows her clever wit and determination to save her baby. You rock Queen!

Jungle Animals -:- Picture Book Read Aloud -:- Age 2-5

Great Starter Animals Are Cool 2 Share

What animals are your favorite?

    Jungle animals are different from our domestic animals and this is a great introductory picture book for our youth on different types of them. It seems kids favorites are still the Tiger and in this read-aloud the cat likes to roar! Watch out he might get you!

        I'm happy that DK, the producer of this particular book, is also selling books for the very young.  Kids are attracted to animals at a very young age especially those in the wild. Young starters are very curious and want to witness what they don't see in their immediate environment unless, of course, you live close to a zoo. lol. The images are actual photos of the animals and are up close and personal. 

Three Little Firefighters -:- Learn It Picture Book

Who's Missing a Shape? 

For Kiddos Ages 2 to 5 

    In this fun book for children, you will find three fire fighters who are getting ready for a parade. They have their firefighting gear ready until "POP" there buttons simultaneously come off and expose their belly-buttons. This rhythmic read by Stuart Murphy get's you into the giggles fast. Their dog, Ink Spot the Dalmatian, finds them and away they must sort from Large-Medium-Small to Circle-Triangle-Square, but maybe they should go by Color? The kids will enjoy sorting for themselves and learn something doing it.  I give this book 4 stars out of 5.

Hurry, hurry, hurry, the parade is about to begin!

Mother Goose Part 1 (One) and 2 (Two) Read Aloud!

Rock-A-Bye Baby, Little Tommy Tittle-Mouse...

Humpty Dumpty, Ring Around the Rosies, and More!

Silvia Long does a great job introducing us to familiar and not so familiar nursery rhymes in her creative art style of a genre gone-by. If you remember picture book art from the 60's it has that kind of feel to the characters and images she portrays and it is inimitable. It's a nostalgic feeling I get from her colorful pages. In this hard bound version there are 109 pages, at a 10"x10" size, so it's a pretty hefty book. I know a three year old could carry it, but I'm not sure about a two year old. 

Part One of Mother Goose Read-aloud.

    When I choose it for my read-aloud I was excited myself, looking at the delightful expressions and whimsy (I know this word is overused, but I like it). I will be breaking it up into four parts for this particular read-aloud, because it works better in segments. I will of course list the more familiar titles on the channels front description @TumpskyandMrsSmall and underline them for your convenience. Then you can remember which Part 1,2,3 or 4 is your favorite.

    I looked for it on Amazon, and beings it's a from 1999, it's doing quite well holding at $14.99 for a hardcover. The paperback is about a dollar less. There is a Kindle version as well. The ISBN # 9780811820882.  Check out my read versions; part one and two. Part 3 and 4 coming in the near future.

Part Two of Mother Goose Read-aloud.


Moose Is a Thirsty Moose Mostly!

Picture Book This

The Thirsty Moose 

By David Orme and Mike Gordon 

A short story for your Easy Reading 1 Student

    This Easy Reader Picture book title is very fitting.  Every moose I've ever seen was near some sort of water.  Never quenched I imagine. Even though this moose is not very likable, he's just trying to fill up, not bothering anyone, or so he thinks, but in reality he's sucking up and drying up the basin. The other critters are worried and they're scolding Moose for not thinking about them and their lives being in jeopardy. "Stop it! I live in this river and you will destroy me home!" says Beaver. Fly ends up teaching Moose a lesson that solves the problem.              

Spunky Monkey Math - Count by 2's, 3's, 4's!

Free Printable's for the Kids!

Request a Link to the printable's here: ksmallmail@gmailcom, 
Subject Line: Spunky Monkey Math Request Printables

    Monkeys' help kids learn math and counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, in a adorable picture book story parade. @TumpskyandMrsSmall read aloud channel teach "point to the word," technique while reading as the word is being read. Kids may follow along online for free by subscribing to my Youtube channel. MathStart is a great STEM contributor. They have series of books for all math desired ages. Below are some links to other read aloud MathStart books. These are beneficial for classroom or homeschool and age appropriate.

Other STEM Read Alouds:

Carnival Adds Up - Frog Math - Just Enough Carrots -

Ready, Set, Hopping Fun Frog Math!

 Addition/Subtraction -:- Ages 6, 7

Picture Book for the Little One's

    This is a MathStart picture book story by Stuart J. Murphy, illustrated by Jon Buller, (Level 3). Two frogs have a friendly competition jumping from place to place and need to do some math along the way, namely counting hops. It's an equation building book that incorporates visual math into the story. I personally love all th MathStart series and have placed a few in my read aloud channel @TumpskyandMrsSmall under Math/Science Playlist. Mrs. Small works through the basics of the equation explaining in a simplistic way visually and verbally. It's a great resource for teachers to use for classroom and other learning set-ups.

Math for Kiddo's!  FUN!

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Flower Power Science -:- What is in a Flower?

Simple, Beautiful, Important!

Colorific and Detailed Pages

If you want to know what's inside a flower this picture book is going to tell you in a fantastic way.  @Tumpsky and Mrs Small  channel read this dynamic, natural-science adventure book aloud to help kids learn the stages of growth and reproduction. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades.

A science adventure your kids will want to learn about the many different flowers, but there is one thing they all have in common. I wonder what that is? You'll have to follow along to find out! 

This book will inspire your young plant scientist to seek out what flowers really are! Hands-on projects ideas will come to mind! Gather some seeds from various plants and make an assorted collection. Do they all flower? Plant them and witness the stages as they reproduce and grow. Create and chart differences as plant/flowers grow and change.

Treasure Hunt, Lead by a Bear?

 Clues Given Lead to Something Fun!

Rhyme and Reason for the Season

    A few children and some side-kicks gather at Bears House and find a note on the front door. Reading it aloud it leads them on a wild chase to find some promised treasure. "Oh what could it be?" The children must sort out the clue, to find the next clue, like stepping stones through a pond. Mostly those clues rhyme, which add a touch of friendly Bear humor. Mrs. Small takes it a step further and gives voice to the characters she has fallen in love with. Sound effects take it deeper.

    This is a well illustrated picture-book any child 6-9 will get into the clues. Stop the video at anytime after the clues are spoken so your child can discover the clue for him/herself (optional). It turns into a game for them to figure out by listening and looking.