Showing posts with label identifying character. Show all posts
Showing posts with label identifying character. Show all posts

Little Bear Goes Camping!

 Plus, McD's Goat's Got to Eat Better!

The author knows kids at this particular age want to do things on their own and/or with close friends, and having ones own private tent space, alone or with pals, does the trick. It's a special place.

  1) The Little Bear story creates a desire for kids to want to go camping in their own backyard! The book is for Beginning Reader's and uses simple sentence structure. This would be a fun book for kids to read aloud, while camping themselves like the animals in the story.

    2) The Goat story has a silly nature, and a message that speaks loud and clear in getting kids, (pun intended) to eat better. I noticed it took 4 adults to pull it together, probably because McDonalds has enough money making for larger collaborations. The illustrations are terrifically wonky, which kids enjoy. Love the corner bite out of the book effect for book design, it says "Goat's been here! 

Please comment; as just looking at this bear yawning, is affecting me right now!  Zzzzz

The First Day of April is April Fools Day - Oh Yes!

Farm Filled Fun! Kids 'R Tricksters!

The Animals 'as R' into it

    A catastrophe is happening on the farm according to Grandson and Granddaughter, but Grandpa won't check out the animals and the PROBLEMS presently going on because he knows it's April fools Day and thinks he's being tricked, he doesn't want to be the fool. See what happens! It's very funny. No I'm not telling you the outcome. Lol

    I love the rhythm text format in this book, it works very well. The author and illustrator combine their talents divinely. The drawing is very cartoony and light, nothing spectacular but has a cuteness to it that your little ones will enjoy.

    I remember as a child eating bacon for breakfast, eggs, the works, not anymore, it is oatmeal for me everyday. I won't eat the fake bacon or the non-cholesterol imitation eggs, yuck. I just miss that bacon, bacon, bacon, this book will help you want some GOOD breakfast. Not good for you breakfast, but yummy tasting, those were the days. Enjoy your breakfast little kiddo's it is one of those memories you will cherish!

Native American Poetic Science For the Youth

A Book that's Spiritually Uplifting ...

Metaphors Using Earthly Attributes

    Everyone's Voice Matters!

Read Aloud

       I'm glad to see a picture-book version of what happens in the news. This book explains in a light and metaphoric way the oil pipeline protests in '2020 on Native Lands. Teachers, moms, dads, can explain further, if need be, in their own words what the book represents if wanting to dig a little deeper into your Childs understanding. 

    I've noticed more and more children's book topics are presenting current events of what's going on in the world today and I think this particular book can be a beneficial tool when teaching the subject of Freedom of Speech and how a persons voice matters. Children are to know that people have the right to express themselves in a respectful, peaceful and lawful way.

    Note to Teachers: Look for safe activism news about the pipelines for children so they get a broader understanding. Here's a link pertaining to youth activism.

RUMPELSTILTSKIN -:- Books Read to Kids Aloud-:- Caldecott Honor

Weren't Women Valued in Medieval Times?

Controversial Yet Good To Know History

    I think it is important to show kids the classics, as long as you have the discussion concerning a woman's places back then. I'm sure there are many people not too thrilled about this story, unless it's to point out the history of hierarchy during these times.

     I have a hard time with the father initially. To think that a father would brag about his daughter having a skill she clearly did not have, and to blatantly lie to a King, putting both his and her life in jeopardy. Did he even care about his daughters life, let alone his own. Dad must have been clearly off his head, and without a clue what the King was capable of. The King clearly tells her after showing her the straw, "if you value your life," you will have this spun to gold before morning. She didn't even have a say so in the matter. I would have told the King, my father is a drunken peasant with no scruples let alone brains. Lol It clearly shows a lack of women's rights during this era.

    I love the scene where the daughter outwits the wizard or imp of magic by having the nursemaid spy on him. It shows her clever wit and determination to save her baby. You rock Queen!

Flying High - Topic Olympian Gymnastics - Simone Biles

 The Story Of A Gymnastics Champion

There is  live  footage of Simone flying through the air in Brazil.

    Going to the public library, I happened upon this dynamic book by Michelle Meadows. Being a children's book writer myself, I know how difficult it is to find new story ideas. A better way is to retell a story and get kids interested, is to read a true story! I semi-biography of a young girl, who has a troubled childhood, but gains a strength and confidence that leads her to Olympic success. The illustrator Ebony Glenn ties it together and brings this rhythmic story dancing to the beat of a Superstar!

Picture BOOK -:- "The Library Dragon"-:- It's on Fire! -:- Please! No More Fires!

Dragon Librarian Keeps Eying the Kids... 

Be Careful You Might Be Singed!

Dragon Tame Children or Children Tame Dragon

Animated Dragon Burning the Pages

    A wonderful story, filled with page-turning excitement. To think a librarian can be too overly protective of books to the point where no kids can touch them or check them out. How are the children going to get smart if they can't read? What mind will ever travel, if imaginations are cut off completely? Trouble is brewing and matters are getting worse. We have singed students trying to put out fires! Someone's got to step-up to the beast! But Who Will? and How? 

    You, students, need to melt this Dragon's heart, and quickly! So funny!

Subscribe A-Creator!

Do Your Part and Remember to Subscribe to the Creators Out there in Cyber-Land!

    When you Subscribe to the creatives who put their crafts out there on exhibit, you're acknowledging their efforts and supporting their art. Many Creators love doing their craft, and it is true Creators need to share and let others know who they are through their creations. It is something they have to do, it's in their genes.👖 It takes bravery to open yourself up and display your vulnerable side, wanting others to see and enjoy what you are making. Let's show "Creators" of all kinds our Graciousness and thanks by supporting their efforts, especially when they work so hard in making that effort.


 Creativity comes in all forms

its what makes the real world a happier place! 

    OK, I've said my peace, and I'm now off my soapbox. Thank you to everyone who truly understands this and makes a loving, appreciative effort!❤️

A Picture Book Should Be Child Relatable

Challenges: Books And Kids

Topics of Interest

        I have much respect for authors who can write a picture book. Picture books are one of the more difficult genres to succeed in. The story needs to be blended magically, everything working together purposefully, and quickly wrapped up in a mere 32-page package with a pretty bow on top, so to speak. If the book's ending instills an uplifting, feeling inside, or creates a motivational inspiration, then, in my opinion, you know the book was well written and properly illustrated. It seems like it should be relatively easy, but truly it is difficult; and if it looks easy, then the writer and illustrator have done a very good job.

    As a child growing up, I remember the picture books that I identified with. They were either the ones where the behavior of the main character was congruent to my own, having a commonality; or the behavior of the main character was something I wanted for myself, to match or emulate. For example, if the protagonist in the story wanted their own horse, (something I dearly wanted as a girl growing up), then her behavior reinforced a connection with my own desires.
    Two lovely horse-related picture books come to mind: One is an ABC Horse alphabet book and the other 

  • "B is for Buck-a-roo!" by Louise Doak Whitney, Gleaves Whitney, Susan Guy (Pictures)
  • "Robert the Rose Horse," by Joan Heilbroner, P.D. Eastman (Pictures)                   

    A second example is with my older brother who identified with the superheroes in stories. I'd catch him with a cape play acting out brave battles and the like. I believe he identified with their goodness and abilities that matched his own hidden desire to be strong, powerful, protect the innocent and have the ability to fly. I already knew he was strong and powerful, but I also knew jumping off the roof (an idea many kids have with superpower envy) wasn't going to work. Lol! I'm happy and relieved he managed to survive that phase.

Two books with Superheroes I enjoyed are:    

  • "Brave," Stacy McAnulty paired with great pictures from Joanne Lew-Vriethoff 
  • "Superhero School," by Thierry Robberecht

    Regardless, children will be motivated when they discover a book that leads them on the path to their own identity, especially when it's congruent in nature to a likable character in aspects of behavior, wants, and needs. I believe a child identifying with the protagonist is one of the most necessary requirements leading toward the success of a book.