Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gratitude. Show all posts

Valentines Book Reading in June, Because Love is Important Every Month!

  I Know I Can't Get Enough!

@I need it all year long, not just in the month of February! but June, July, August,... Also!

Gail Gibbons Valentine's Expression

     Gail does a nice job of explaining Valentine's Day in a sensible, child-intentional way. Her title, "Valentine's Day Is..." leads you into the numerous elements that make up the celebrated day of February 14th, congruent with today and in yesteryears. 

     As a child, I always enjoyed this day at school because of the recognition from other classmates, the participation in making cards for others, and the yummy goodies and treats we all got to eat. To be recognized by your classmate is just one of the many benefits social calendar events have, not to mention the uplifting, ego boosting, "you like me?!" factor. Most of us young girls knew which boy we wanted to marry in our class, well at least I did anyway. There was nothing to be ashamed of. I had eyes for Mark P. Wow was I in love, until the following year anyway, then I was in love with Andy B.  Looking back it's amazing just how early we recognized our sweethearts and just how adaptable are little hearts were, leaping with joy encountering our small crushes.

Happy Valentine's Day in June

Water Dance, It Really Does Dance!

In All It's Magnificent Forms!

A Youthful Account and Approach to the Mysteries of Water

Water Dance, by Thomas Locker, Read Aloud by Mrs Small

    I was very moved by this book. I think you will be too. It takes us on a journey, one that we may take initially for granted, but as it sinks in like water does, it helps you realize how precious water is in all it's form and glory. From rivers, to lakes, in waterfalls, and rainbows this wonderful element saves you and me again and again and again. A simple beauty; the delicate shower, the raging storm, its forms are many, its elegance and life restoration speaks loud in this picture book. It will have you mesmerized and feeling grateful and blessed.

    The title of the book, "Water Dance," intrigued me. The pages that followed then had me absorbed. I couldn't stop reading. Such a simple concept put into prose that makes you stop and realize just how many forms one see's water in. The timing of the words so well thought out and perfectly placed. Will kids enjoy this? Will it hold their attention? I say yes! And when you read it reflecting the majesty of the words, your interaction and reaction will be placed upon the child in such a way that it will take them to the place where you are, and hold their attention. 

Subscribe A-Creator!

Do Your Part and Remember to Subscribe to the Creators Out there in Cyber-Land!

    When you Subscribe to the creatives who put their crafts out there on exhibit, you're acknowledging their efforts and supporting their art. Many Creators love doing their craft, and it is true Creators need to share and let others know who they are through their creations. It is something they have to do, it's in their genes.👖 It takes bravery to open yourself up and display your vulnerable side, wanting others to see and enjoy what you are making. Let's show "Creators" of all kinds our Graciousness and thanks by supporting their efforts, especially when they work so hard in making that effort.


 Creativity comes in all forms

its what makes the real world a happier place! 

    OK, I've said my peace, and I'm now off my soapbox. Thank you to everyone who truly understands this and makes a loving, appreciative effort!❤️

Gratitude for All that We Have!

Gratitude for All that We Have!

Positivity Dosage for Your Day

   This brought tears to my eyes. I was not expecting this lovely message in my in-basket, but it stopped me dead in my daily procession. Yes, when things touch the heart, I always consider it a blessing and whenever something helps me reflect on who I am in this world I am grateful. So stop whatever it is your doing and be blessed by this footage of 5 minutes. Get the tissues out because it will pull at your heartstrings.

This is a picture from the video below.

Gratitude: The Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg from ecodads on Vimeo.