Showing posts with label Ocean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ocean. Show all posts

Children Love Deep Ocean Picture Books! Get Reacquainted!


By The Fan Brothers

A season with hardships can lead us to a place of awe...

      Picturebooks can be so magical such as, "Ocean Meets Sky," by The Fan Brothers. The story may be written with few words, but the images are so ethereal and dreamlike that you want to step in and be apart of the dream, especially the image where you can look right into a blue whale's eye; it's very imaginative! Picture books for children can be just that a means to escape for a bit into a world of excitement. I know I can still dream like a child and it helps to read and escape when times are tough. 

    Synopsis: A young boy who's Grandpa has passed, remembers how much sailing meant to the both of them. " ...where the ocean meets the sky," was a place the two of them needed to go, but hadn't. When the boy builds a boat and sets out to find this magical place, he meets up with Grandpa in an ethereal way and reconnects with Grandpa once more.  

     Searching for a picture book on sailing for the summer to go along with a lesson plan, I called the library and had the librarian pick out five books she'd recommend on the topic. The library was closed from Covid-19 and was no longer walk-in available. I told her about my being a school teacher eager to help parents while kids were stuck at home. 

    I read to my virtual children on my channel Tumpsky and Mrs. Small, using puppets at times to create interesting add ons coinciding with the books. I believe I have over 500 books read.  The Librarian knew I wanted to create a 'Sailing Lesson Plan' and have the book be apart of it. I was very grateful the librarian could help contribute to my attaining resources. All I had to do was swing by the library and pick them up. Thank you, awesome library people!  On the Lesson Plan about Sailing, I do show the other book titles, but don't read them.      

      Family tradition is so important right now during these hard times, and finding ways to enjoy each other's company especially before bedtime is a beneficial thing. Whenever my mother or father read to me at night it became the traditional ritual that comforted me thru the night and eased the transition.  I was always allowed to pick out the book I wanted as well, and this gave me a sense of control. Sometimes I'd pick the same book over and over so pretty soon I could tell the story by heart myself. It helped me to want to learn to read.

Where the Ocean Meets the Sky

Sing Song Ocean Delight You Might Like!

Over in the Ocean 
by Marianne Berkes
Illustrated by Jeanette Canyon

Youtube Read Aloud on Tumpsky and Mrs. Small channel!

    Found this lovely picture book over at the library! It sings to the song "Over in the Meadow," which most recognize if you've listened to children's songs here and there. The words match the song smoothly so it's easy to pick up very easily if you want to sing it, but it also reads just as well. I was amazed at the intricacies in the artwork, which is a type of play dough called Sculpy. The colors are marvelous, your children will enjoy it! Here is the video format read aloud. 
Tumpsky and Mrs. Small