Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts

Little Bear Goes Camping!

 Plus, McD's Goat's Got to Eat Better!

The author knows kids at this particular age want to do things on their own and/or with close friends, and having ones own private tent space, alone or with pals, does the trick. It's a special place.

  1) The Little Bear story creates a desire for kids to want to go camping in their own backyard! The book is for Beginning Reader's and uses simple sentence structure. This would be a fun book for kids to read aloud, while camping themselves like the animals in the story.

    2) The Goat story has a silly nature, and a message that speaks loud and clear in getting kids, (pun intended) to eat better. I noticed it took 4 adults to pull it together, probably because McDonalds has enough money making for larger collaborations. The illustrations are terrifically wonky, which kids enjoy. Love the corner bite out of the book effect for book design, it says "Goat's been here! 

Please comment; as just looking at this bear yawning, is affecting me right now!  Zzzzz

Croc's in the Creek?

Watch Out!

Don't look now but in this book, that is all in all curious... I'm still trying  to figure out how they survived?

     I can't give it away because they leave it unanswered; in fact, there could be a number of ways they got the croc to open it's mouth again. Like what you ask?

        1. Mouse lit a match

        2. Rabbit bit Croc's tongue,

        3. Shelly made a stinky,

        4. Croc did not like the taste of what existed on its tongue...who knows? It's a mystery!

    You could make up a slew of ways with your smart, creative mind, and even write your own story about all the many different ways of escape. 

    Whatever you do, do not get near a crocodile for any reason! That's kind of a no-brainer. 

Your friends here at: 

Tumpsky and Mrs Small       

The First Day of April is April Fools Day - Oh Yes!

Farm Filled Fun! Kids 'R Tricksters!

The Animals 'as R' into it

    A catastrophe is happening on the farm according to Grandson and Granddaughter, but Grandpa won't check out the animals and the PROBLEMS presently going on because he knows it's April fools Day and thinks he's being tricked, he doesn't want to be the fool. See what happens! It's very funny. No I'm not telling you the outcome. Lol

    I love the rhythm text format in this book, it works very well. The author and illustrator combine their talents divinely. The drawing is very cartoony and light, nothing spectacular but has a cuteness to it that your little ones will enjoy.

    I remember as a child eating bacon for breakfast, eggs, the works, not anymore, it is oatmeal for me everyday. I won't eat the fake bacon or the non-cholesterol imitation eggs, yuck. I just miss that bacon, bacon, bacon, this book will help you want some GOOD breakfast. Not good for you breakfast, but yummy tasting, those were the days. Enjoy your breakfast little kiddo's it is one of those memories you will cherish!

Moose Is a Thirsty Moose Mostly!

Picture Book This

The Thirsty Moose 

By David Orme and Mike Gordon 

A short story for your Easy Reading 1 Student

    This Easy Reader Picture book title is very fitting.  Every moose I've ever seen was near some sort of water.  Never quenched I imagine. Even though this moose is not very likable, he's just trying to fill up, not bothering anyone, or so he thinks, but in reality he's sucking up and drying up the basin. The other critters are worried and they're scolding Moose for not thinking about them and their lives being in jeopardy. "Stop it! I live in this river and you will destroy me home!" says Beaver. Fly ends up teaching Moose a lesson that solves the problem.              

Mercer Mayer Brings Us Easter Fun & Growing Up Fun

Double Duo, It's Critter Time!

Two Books in One Video!

    Both of these read aloud stories will make you wonder which one you enjoyed more. It's like a double duo whammy event. Like most of Mr. Mayers stories, there is always more going on, in his illustrated pictures, that meets the eye. It makes for a lot of hidden under-stated, catch-all of it before turning the page, fun! Kids will get the innuendos portrayed by the silly characters and fall in love with them. I have to admit the author is consistent in his style of humor and every story I've ever read; he never disappoints. You just can't go wrong with Mercer Mayer, he's top-notch when it comes to picture books. I like to cal him M&M fun!

    In this 2 story bonanza, you will also see Mr. Cartoon Animated Easter Bunny delivering the chocolate eggs!

Froggy Valentine - First Kiss - Who Gets the BIG Heart?

 Frogalina❤️ The New Girl 🐸🌸

Steals a Kiss, but then, YOU Know... Momma is Froggy's First Love!

    This is an adorable little school story. The new girl, has a crush on Froggy, and brings him new surprises at lunch every day. First and apple, then a heart cookie, what could she possible bring him next? You guested it, a smooch that he's not expecting. "Arggggh!" his skin turns into Christmas colors he's so embarrassed... But Wait! this is Valentine's week, not Christmas, and the kids are making cards. Don't let anyone see which card goes to that special someone, it's a secret. 

    Valentine's Day is very special, and children will love this story and totally identify with it. Don't forget to follow up with card making as they will mostly want to. A story for all ages!