Two Books, One Author -:- Free Coloring Page!

A Walking Tree? No that's not the title...

ISBN: 9780692781746

...this is "Tree's Adventure, Making New Friends" 

ISBN = 978-0-692-78174-6.

"What made you think of a walking tree?"

Author:  K.M. Small

    "The story idea came to me two fold through my children. First my daughter had been studying the health of trees at home and during her college years. She was working on her Masters Thesis paper in Microbiology at UC Davis at the time. I was intrigued by her dedication and devotion in wanting to finding a solution to the Sudden Oak Death (SOD) problem. She grew up with Oak trees all around her neighborhood and the thought of losing them really upset her. Secondly, my Son had just left for Boston to study on the East Coast. When I thought about how he wouldn't know anyone over there, the making new friends part, came from my worries I guess. There were several other important reasons I wanted tree to move, the major one was because at the time I was in need of change myself, I'd been feeling stuck and really needed a change."

Free Color Page of Tree and Owl 


Another Book Completed! Right at Covid!

"Why an Alphabet book with Alliterations?" 

Author:  K.M. Small
"Because one, it's unique, two, I like sing-song sentence structure and rhyming words, they can be quite a challenge to say out loud. And three, I'm not consistant at drawing the same character in different vantage points. Each page has a mini story going on with two or three characters, but only drawn once. The pictures I've been told look great, so people are liking the characters and images. I also think you just can't have enough alphabet books out there in the world, lol."

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"Reading and literature for children open the doors to many imaginative minds. This book is a family type 'ABC' picture-book rather unusual and for all ages. Alliterations can be challenging, especially when read aloud rather like tongue twisters." KMS

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