I C a Meow! - I C a Purr! I C a Fur Ball Baby!

 Not Really! But I do "See A Cat!"

In fact...

"They All See A Cat!"

 A wonderful picture book by Brenden Wenzel about a cat that takes a walk out in the world and is viewed by many other life forms. The life forms are various different kinds of entities; a dog, a fish, a mouse, a flea, etc. and even though they see the same cat, the perceptions of the cat are perceived slightly different in each animal. We get to see some strange looking cats through the eyes of the beholder. The boy of course see's the cat through human eyes, as we do. 

    I really enjoyed this book and that is why I posted it on my Youtube Reading channel; Tumpsky and Mrs. Small. I have noticed it does have a hint of Eric Carle flavor to it, like "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" but it takes a more sophisticated approach in the field of perception and leans toward older kids ages, 8 and up whom I believe would get the joke.

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