RUMPELSTILTSKIN -:- Books Read to Kids Aloud-:- Caldecott Honor

Weren't Women Valued in Medieval Times?

Controversial Yet Good To Know History

    I think it is important to show kids the classics, as long as you have the discussion concerning a woman's places back then. I'm sure there are many people not too thrilled about this story, unless it's to point out the history of hierarchy during these times.

     I have a hard time with the father initially. To think that a father would brag about his daughter having a skill she clearly did not have, and to blatantly lie to a King, putting both his and her life in jeopardy. Did he even care about his daughters life, let alone his own. Dad must have been clearly off his head, and without a clue what the King was capable of. The King clearly tells her after showing her the straw, "if you value your life," you will have this spun to gold before morning. She didn't even have a say so in the matter. I would have told the King, my father is a drunken peasant with no scruples let alone brains. Lol It clearly shows a lack of women's rights during this era.

    I love the scene where the daughter outwits the wizard or imp of magic by having the nursemaid spy on him. It shows her clever wit and determination to save her baby. You rock Queen!

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