Little Bear Goes Camping!

 Plus, McD's Goat's Got to Eat Better!

The author knows kids at this particular age want to do things on their own and/or with close friends, and having ones own private tent space, alone or with pals, does the trick. It's a special place.

  1) The Little Bear story creates a desire for kids to want to go camping in their own backyard! The book is for Beginning Reader's and uses simple sentence structure. This would be a fun book for kids to read aloud, while camping themselves like the animals in the story.

    2) The Goat story has a silly nature, and a message that speaks loud and clear in getting kids, (pun intended) to eat better. I noticed it took 4 adults to pull it together, probably because McDonalds has enough money making for larger collaborations. The illustrations are terrifically wonky, which kids enjoy. Love the corner bite out of the book effect for book design, it says "Goat's been here! 

Please comment; as just looking at this bear yawning, is affecting me right now!  Zzzzz

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