Silly Goose - Fox Disguised as a Peacock? - Books Read to Kids Aloud!

Fox Tells Goose He's Lost His Ears!

Silly or Gullible? It's a Close Call

    This simple story is bright and funny and a little silly, well it is called Silly Goose, so we know there is a character in it that is silly, right? Poor gullible Goose can't seem to find the right ears that he has been told are missing. They aren't pointy like Fox's, and for sure don't look like rabbits. What will he do if he can't find them? Not a very bright bird. As Fox sneaks back home to disguise himself as a different character, Yep you guessed it because the title of this article gives it away. Which is silly in itself. 

    The illustrations I would have to say are what keep you interested, they aren't silly, but quite good. Goose is adorable, and Fox looks keen, not scary. The bright colorful pages and the silly story hold a child's interest. 

    Adults! This story shows that Goose is not so gullible after all, but is it too late for Goose? Come and watch this silly book read aloud by Mrs. Small and Peacock Puppet, who has a quick introduction.

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