Gratitude for All that We Have!

Gratitude for All that We Have!

Positivity Dosage for Your Day

   This brought tears to my eyes. I was not expecting this lovely message in my in-basket, but it stopped me dead in my daily procession. Yes, when things touch the heart, I always consider it a blessing and whenever something helps me reflect on who I am in this world I am grateful. So stop whatever it is your doing and be blessed by this footage of 5 minutes. Get the tissues out because it will pull at your heartstrings.

This is a picture from the video below.

Gratitude: The Short Film by Louie Schwartzberg from ecodads on Vimeo.

Hug your children today, love them for being part of your world. Look around you, breathe in and out, feel the expanse of your lungs, kiss your partner and smile because you are alive and have much to be thankful for.

Oh and Yes!  Read a Book with Your Kids Today❤️🐶

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