Indoor Activity-:- 4 Simple Games Kids Enjoy! Map and Find, Hot/Cold find, Trail Find, and Rhyme Find

Four Indoor Games!

  • Map and Find, 
  • Hot/Cold find, 
  • Trail Find, 
  •  Rhyme Find"

    So you as a parent have plenty to finish and the kids are driving you crazy! 

    Here are four FREE games they can figure out on their own and do without assistance. Click on the map and it will take you to a video explaining the games further. Please be patient, because it takes less than five minutes to view in order to gain an afternoon aimed toward busy needs. Start at 1:28 for the kiddos if you are in a major hurry! 

Thanks for visiting!

From a Preschool Teacher who loves kids! 

Mrs. Small  

(Click on Picture)

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